We are happy to announce a new daily bus connection to between Tromsø and Mefjord Brygge.

Traveling to Senja has never been easier!

You can book directly here.


How to reach your adventure destination on Senja?

The short answer is: It is easier than you think

The long answer is below

Mefjord Brygge on Sejna island in the north of Norway

Address & contact

Mefjord Brygge AS
Mefjordveien 1947

9386 Senjahopen

Reception / restaurant: (+47) 415 49 100
Activities / boats: (+47) 941-36-599

Overview of Mefjord Brygge
Key information
  • Mefjord Brygge is accessible all year round by a paved road
  • Senja is an island linked with mainland by a bridge. Finnsnes, the town on the other side is 1 hour / 70 km away
  • The nearest airports are Bardufoss (less than 2 hours away) and Tromsø airport is 2.5 - 3.5 hours away
  • There are numerous ferries and express boat connecting Senja with other destinations
Driving distances
  • Finnsnes - 70 km / 1 h
  • Narvik - 215 km  / 3.5 h
  • Tromsø - 95 km / 2.5 h (all year round ferry from 2021) or 230 km / 3.5 h (driving around)
  • Bardufoss Airport - 115 km / 2h
  • Lysnes - 33 km / 30 min
  • Botnhamn - 32km / 30 min
  • Hamn i Senja - 46km / 55 min
  • Gryllefjord - 57 km / 1 h

Road conditions

Please check for updates on road closures here: (for English please call +47 815 48 991)

All roads, express boats, ferries and tunnels are suitable for cycling

A CLOSER LOOK at transportation options

Take a look at live traffic situation here:

Take a look at the situation map and see the details of interesting route below

Directions to Mefjord Brygge


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